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The University Rector discusses the guidelines for the new academic year 1446, at the College of Administrative Sciences at Thamar University

Thamar University Media/Jamal Al-Bahri/Muharram 2, 1446. July 8, 2024 ■ Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Rector of Thamar University held today a meeting at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences with Prof. Dr. Amal Al-Mujahid, the Dean of the College, to discuss a number of challenges related to the requirements of the new academic year 1446, which include the Undergraduate and Graduate Stages in the College.

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The Center for Economic Consulting and Administrative Training holds a meeting to activate Activities and launch a Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies

Thamar University Media / Jamal Al-Bahri / Shaaban 25, 1445. March 5, 2024 ◾ In response to Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi's instructions to launch the Scientific Centers, the Center of Consulting and Administrative Training held today its first meeting for the year 1445, 2023 - 22024, headed by the Manager of the center, Prof. Dr. Amal Al-Mujahid where the importance of reactivating the center and benefiting from the efforts of economic and administrative researchers at the center was discussed.

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Thamar University inaugurates the final exams for the second semester

Thamar University Media/Jamal Al-Bahri / Shaaban 21, 1445. March 2, 2024 ■ The Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Thamar University has inaugurated the final exams for the second semester, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Rector of the University where participated in the exams that took place in ten examination committees about (678) students of the first year of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, majoring "general", and supervised by the Dean A.Dr. Amal Al-Mujahid praised the regularity of the process and the smoothness of its procedures, stressing the importance of the collective work of the Monitoring Committee and the organizing committee in ensuring the success of the examination process which will continue until next week and then resume after the Eid Al-Fitr holiday for the academic year 1445, 2024/2023. During the visit to the classrooms, Dr. Al-Mujahid pointed out that the academic programs at the College have been implemented, after being characterized in accordance with the highest standards of academic accreditation and overall quality and the college has witnessed many workshops and activities aimed at developing students' skills and raising the level of Education.

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□ العلوم الادارية/ 11 شعبان 1445 هـ، الموافق 21 فبراير 2024م: ■ عُقدت اليوم بكلية العلوم الادارية، سمنار لمناقشة البحوث التكميلية لطلاب برنامج ماجستير تنفيذي "إدارة التنمية المحلية" بقسم إدارة الأعمال بكلية العلوم الإدارية. ترأس المناقشات الدكتور عامر السنباني، رئيس قسم إدارة الأعمال، وحضرها الاستاذ الدكتور/ آمال المجاهد والاستاذ الدكتور عبدالله القرشي والدكتور إبراهيم المجاهد ، والدكتور بكيل ضيف الله رئيس قسم المحاسبة ، بالإضافة إلى الدكتور عبد الفتاح ضبعان، القائم بأعمال رئيس قسم العلوم المالية والمصرفية. وقد حضر السمنارأيضًا الدكتورة أمال المقدشي، مسؤولة الجودة في الكلية.

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Thamar University Launches Interview and Exchange procedures for Graduate Programs at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences

Thamar University Media/ Jamal Al-Bahri / Shaaban 5, 1445. February 15, 2024 ◾ With the initiative and active care of Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Rector of Thamar University, the interview and selection procedures for applicants for graduate programs at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at the University were launched today. This includes Doctoral Programs in Business Administration, Finance and Banking Sciences, Executive Doctorate in Public Administration, as well as Master's Programs in various Financial, Managerial Disciplines. During the opening of this important event, Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi welcomed the attendees and congratulated the Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Prof. Dr. Al-Mujahid hopes for this achievement, an important step in strengthening the base of academic and executive expertise in the fields of Management and Economics. He thanked the Vice-Deans, the Heads of Departments, and Faculty Members for their tremendous efforts in the success of the College and its Educational Programs, and also wished success to the applicants.

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Discussion of supplementary research plans for Executive Master students at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences

Thamar University Media/Jamal Al-Bahri / Shaaban 4, 1445. February 14, 2024 ■ As directed by the Rector of Thamar University, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi an expanded meeting was held today in the main meeting hall of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences At Thamar University, headed by the Dean of the Faculty, Prod. Dr. Amal Al-Mujahid, her Deputies and Heads of Departments, and the Quality Unit to discuss the titles of complementary research for the first batch of Executive Master's students according to the new plan for graduate programs at the College.

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Management Training and Economic Consulting Center organizes Training Courses in Statistical Analysis and Research Methods

Thamar University Media/ Jamal Al-Bahri / Rajab 24 1445. February 4, 2024 ■ Sponsored by Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Rector of Thamar University, inaugurated the Administrative Training and Economic Consulting Center at the University today, the Second Intensive Training Course in the field of statistical analysis.

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Rector of Thamar University inspects the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and urges students to be more aware and committed to the University

The Thamar University Media/Jamal Al-Bahri / Jumad Akher 26, 1445. January 8, 2024 ■ Professor Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Rector of Thamar University paid an inspection visit to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences today accompanied by Dr. Mohammed Hutram, the General Secartary of the University.

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A workshop at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences to characterize Bachelor's courses and promote academic development according to NARS standards

Thamar University Media / Jamal Al-Bahri / Jumad Akher 22, 1445. January 4, 2024 ■ Under the patronage of the Rector of Thamar University, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Al-Haifi, a workshop for characterizing Bachelor's courses according to NARS standards was held at the Economic Consulting and Administrative Training Center Hall at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences today in implementation of the strategic goal contained in the strategic plan 2022-2026 for updating academic programs and their continuous development in line with the changes of the labor market.

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