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Thamar University organizes a workshop to develop teaching and evaluation strategies in doctoral programs at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences

Thamar University Media/ Jamal Al-Bahri / Jumad Akher 21, 1445. January 3, 2023: ■ As a part of the Al Aqsa Flood events organized by Thamar University, and under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Rector of the University, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and the Center for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance organized today a workshop entitled "Developing Teaching Strategies and Evaluation in Doctoral Programs", in the Hall of the Center for Economic Consulting and Administrative Training at the College.

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A Cultural Event at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences on the Anniversary of the Martyr and in Solidarity with Palestine

Thamar University Media /Jamal Al-Bahri / Jamad Awal 14, 1445. November 27, 2023 ■ Under the slogan" A Nation that Loves Martyrdom, Nothing Remains in the Hands of its Enemies that can Scare it", the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Thamar University in cooperation with the University Student Forum organized today a cultural event in commemoration of the anniversary of the martyr 1445 in solidarity with the Palestinian people and the Al-Aqsa Flood operation.

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Thamar University Celebrates 170 Graduates of the Al-Aqsa Flood Batch

Thamar University Media / Jamal Al-Bahri / November 9, 2023, 25/4/1445 ■ The Faculty of Administrative Sciences organized today a joyful graduation ceremony for the Al-Aqsa Flood batch under the patronage of Professor Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Rector of Thamar University. It included graduates from the 22nd batch of Business Administration Department, the 22nd batch of the Production and Marketing Department, the 19th batch of Financial and Banking Sciences, and the 10th batch of the Accounting Department, where the number of graduates reached 170 graduates from all departments

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences holds a Cultural Event to Support the Al-Aqsa Flood

Thamar University Media / Jamal Al-Bahri / November 8, 2023 1445/4 / 24 ■ Sponsored by Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Rector of Thamar University, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences organized today a cultural event entitled Al-Aqsa Flood, in support and solidarity with the Palestinian people

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The Rector of the University stresses the importance of maintenance and accelerate the maintenance of the roof of the building of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Rector of Thamar University with Prof. Dr. Amal Al-Mujahid, the Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences today checked out the works currently being carried out at the Faculty within the periodic maintenance program, on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Glorious October 14 Revolution.

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Haifi inaugurated the Charity Bazaar at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences

تم برعاية رئيس جامعة ذمار، الأستاذ الدكتور محمد الحيفي، افتتاح البازار الخيري في كلية العلوم الإدارية بمناسبة ذكرى المولد النبوي الشريف، تحت شعار "ليخرجكم من الظلمات إلى النور". وقد اعتبر الدكتور الحيفي أن البازار الخيري يمثل فرصة رائعة للتواصل مع المجتمع وتعزيز الروح التكافلية ومبدأ المساعدة المتبادلة بين الأفراد في المجتمع

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences celebrates the Anniversary of the Prophet's Birth and honors outstanding students

Sponsored by the Rector of the University Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and the University Student Forum organized today a cultural event on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Prophet's Birth of the year 1445, and a reception for new students under the slogan "Adhering to the Quran and the Prophet is the Way to the Nation's Peasant and Success"

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The Dean of Administrative Sciences at Thamar university participates in the festival of the National Committee for Women in Al-Hamdi Park.

■The Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Thamar University, Prof. Dr. Amal Al-Mujahid participated today at the festival of Productive Families, held in Al-Hamdi Park for the period from September 16 to 18, as a part of the popular celebrations of the Prophet's Birth, which is held in partnership with the Arab Union of Productive Families, the General Cultural Women's Staff and the Literacy Authority

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