A workshop at Thamar University entitled “Updating the Strategic Directions of the College of Education and approving the Center for Rehabilitation and Educational Development”


A workshop at Thamar University entitled “Updating the Strategic Directions of the College of Education and approving the Center for Rehabilitation and Educational Development”

A workshop at Thamar University entitled “Updating the Strategic Directions of the College of Education and approving the Center for Rehabilitation and Educational Development”

Thamar University Media/Jamal Al-Bahri/Muharram 7, 1446. July 13, 2024

■ A workshop was held today in the Training and Development Hall of the College of Education, sponsored by Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Rector of Thamar University, entitled “Updating the strategic Directions of the College of Education, Discussing and Approving the Descriptions of the Master’s Programs, and the Organizational Regulations for the Center for Rehabilitation and Educational Development.”

In the workshop, in the presence of the Vice Rector of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Abdulkarim Zabiba, Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Abdulkafi Al-Rifai, Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Adel Abdulghani Al-Ansi, and the General Secretary of the University, Dr. Mohammed Hutram, the University Rector stressed the importance of the workshop and the importance of modernizing.

He described the programs of the Humanitarian Colleges, and pointed out that the establishment of the “Rehabilitation and Development” Center will be sufficient to rehabilitate the previous educational outcomes, in a way that is commensurate with the scientific requirements on modern foundations.

He added that Improving the outcomes of the College of Education is an improvement for the educational future of the country and a guarantee for raising the efficiency of educational teachers, which ensures raising the efficiency of current and future generations.

From his part, the Vice Rector of the University for Academic Affairs, Dr. Adel Al-Ansi, touched on the academic aspect and praised the participation of a number of academics, including faculty members and their assistants, and a number of researchers in this workshop.

From his part, the Vice-Rector of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Abdulkarim Zabiba, pointed out the importance of establishing a center for rehabilitation and educational development, which has become a necessity to keep pace with global scientific developments. He also discussed a number of points related to the description of postgraduate programs.

In turn, the University’s Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Dr. Abdulkafi Al-Rifai, emphasized the importance of this workshop, stressing the need to update the college’s strategic directives. He praised the involvement of students and representatives of the labor market.

Meanwhile, Dr. Zaid Al-Hadour, the Dean of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance, pointed out the need for the college to be ready to carry out the future tasks that will fall on the shoulders of the College of Education, as a promising future awaits it, and it will be responsible for major tasks to correct the existing imbalance and fill the gap in the quantity and quality of educational cadres in public and private schools.

From his part, the Dean of the College, Dr. Ahmed Musaad Al-Hadi, welcomed the attendees and moderated the discussion of the organizational regulations for the Center for Rehabilitation and Educational Development, stressing that holding such workshops comes in response, fulfillment, and implementation of the national vision for building the modern Yemeni state in its educational focus, which seeks to achieve high-quality education with high quality.

During the workshop, Professor Dr. Hamoud Al-Mulaiki, the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, led a brainstorming and discussion for the groups within the theme of updating the college’s strategic directions.

Dr. Fouad Zayed, the Deputy Dean for Postgraduate Studies, also moderated a brainstorming and discussion within the discussion of master’s program descriptions.

At the end of the workshop, Dr. Bushra Al-Kuhlani presented the final recommendations, which included adopting the strategic directions of the College of Education, approving the descriptions of the master’s programs and approving the organizational regulations for the Center for Rehabilitation and Educational Development with some amendments.

The workshop was attended by the Dean of the College of Sharia and Law, the General Secretary of the College of Education, a number of Heads of Scientific Departments, Researchers in the College of Education, Heads of Units of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance, the General Secretary of the Center, the General Directors of Public Relations, the University Rector's Office, Representatives of the Labor Market, and a number of students and those are interested in this field.