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Bachelor's exams for batch 21 started today with the internal medicine exams (written).


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The Handover and Receipt role between the Predecessor and Successor Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

□ Thamar University Media/Jamal Al-Bahri/ Safar 10, 1446. August 14, 2024 ◾️ In implementation of the decision of the Rector of Thamar University, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi No. (127) and Decision No. (128) for the year 2024 AD, the handover and receipt role took place today between the Successor Dean of the College, Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Abdullah Al-Murtadha, and the Predecessor, Prof. Dr. Amt Al-Khaliq Mihras.

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حفل إستقبال الطلاب المستجدين 2024-2025.

حفل إستقبال الطلاب المستجدين 2024-2025.

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Thamar University launches differentiation tests for students of private expenses in the College of Medicine

Thamar University Media/Jamal Al-Bahri/ Muharram 14, 1446. July 20, 2024 ◼️Today, the Rector of the University, Professor Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, and his Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Professor Dr. Abdulkafi Al-Rifai, inaugurated the admission exams for students of the Faculty of Medicine at the University.

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مبروك لطلابنا وكليتنا. فريق كرة الطائرة بكلية الطب البشري يحرز المركز الثاني على مستوى الجامعة.


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بحمد الله وتوفيقه تم اليوم اللقاء العلمي لمناقشة أبحاث التخرج للدفعة20


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Three students were crowned with the title of Chess Championship at the Faculty of Medicine at Thamar University

Thamar University Media / Jumad Akher 22, 1445. January 4, 2024 ■ The Chess Championship competition which comes as a part of the Al-Aqsa Flood events was concluded today at the Faculty of Medicine at Thamar University with the participation of 18 students of various levels.

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