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740 students compete for 140 seats in the Faculty of Computers and Informatics at Thamar University.

Thamar University Media/Jamal Al-Bahri/Muharram 14, 1446. July 20, 2024 ■ Today, Professor Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, the Rector of the University, along with his Deputy for Student Affairs, Professor Dr. Abdulkafi Al-Rifai, inaugurated the entrance exams at the College of Computers and Informatics for 740 students distributed among eight exam halls, competing for 140 general system seats, specializing in Information Technology and computer science, Faculty of Computers and Informatics.

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Workshop "Updating Strategic Directions and Characterization of Academic Programs in Computing and Cybersecurity" at Thamar University Thamar University Media/Jamal Al-Bahri / Rajab 18, 1445. January 29, 2024 ■ A workshop was held today in the Hall of the Computer Center at the Faculty of Computing and Information at Thamar University to update the strategic directions of the Faculty, discuss and approve the two documents describing the doctoral program in computing and The Bachelor's program in cybersecurity, under the auspices of the Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Hassan Al-Haifi, in implementation of the strategic goal contained in the strategic plan of the University for the years 2026/2022, related to the modernization of academic programs, their continuous development, and keep pace with changes in the labor market. In the workshop, which was held under the title "Al-Aqsa Flood", opened with the reading of Al-Fatiha to the souls of the martyrs of Yemen and Palestine, the Rector of the University stressed the importance of developing academic programs

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Opening of Alguds Computer Laboratory at the Faculty of Computers and Informatics at Thamar University

Opening of Alguds Computer Laboratory at the Faculty of Computers and Informatics at Thamar University

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□ إعلام جامعة ذمار/ جمال البحري/ 5 جمادى الاخر 1445هـ، الموافق 18 ديسمبر 2023م ■تفقد اليوم رئيس جامعة ذمار أ.د محمد الحيفي ومعه نائبه لشؤون الطلاب أ.د عبد الكافي الرفاعي، والأمين العام للجامعة الدكتور محمد حطرم الأنشطة الطلابية الثقافية، والرياضية التي تقام تحت شعار طوفان الأقصى بكلية الحاسوب والمعلوماتية.

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Rector of the University Inspects the Progress of the End of the First Semester Exams at the Faculty of Computing

Rector of the University Inspects the Progress of the End of the First Semester Exams at the Faculty of Computing

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□إعلام جامعة ذمار/جمال البحري/ 7 جمادى الأول 1445هـ، الموافق 20 نوفمبر 2023م: ■ حصلت الباحثة، تهاني حمود النجحي، اليوم، على درجة الماجستير بامتياز من قسم علوم الحاسوب بكلية الحاسبات والمعلوماتية - جامعة ذمار، عن رسالتها الموسومة بـ "تهجين الاعمال المجدولة متعددة الاغراض الباتشات المتوازنة في شبكات الحوسبة الحافية".

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The College of Computing celebrates the anniversary of the Prophet's Birth and receives new students and honors the

■Sponsored by Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, Rector of Thamar University, organized today, the Faculty of Computing and Informatics, and the University Student Forum, in Palestine Hall, a rhetorical and cultural event in commemoration of the occasion of the Prophet's birth under the slogan " The Prophet's birth is a springboard to change the nation's bad and humiliating reality .

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The College of Computing celebrates the graduation of 78 graduates from the Department of Computer Science

برعاية رئيس الجامعة الأستاذ الدكتور محمد الحيفي، نظم قسم علوم الحاسوب في كلية الحاسبات والمعلوماتية بجامعة ذمار، اليوم، حفل تخريج 78 خريجًا من الدفعة 23 (دفعة الابداع الرقمي) خريجي العام الجامعي 2023/2022.

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The Vice Rector of the University inspects the progress of the Placement Test for Information Technology Students (Parallel System

■ Today, Dr. Abdulkafi Al-Rifai, Vice Rector of the University for Student Affairs, inspected the Placement Test halls at the Department of Information Technology (Parallel System) at the Faculty of Computers and Informatics, along with Dr. Bashir Al-Maqaleh the Dean of the Faculty.

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