About The Department


For The Department

Department head Speach

       Dear all, it gives me pleasure to welcome you to the website of the Department of Administrative Business.    
As it is known that Human Resources is considered to be one of the most important resources of any organization due to the potential knowledge and skills that this field possesses and involves. Many of the contemporary business organizations rely on this field of sciences in their various administrative activities, and in its quantitative and qualitative market diversity. Therefore; the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Thamar University has taken its responsibility since its establishment in 1997 / 1998 to provide the society with specialists in administrative sciences and its other branches. This support will be through a number of departments in the field of administrative out of which is the Department of Business Administration. This support will be a part of the comprehensive development in our country as a whole. 
      In view of the association of the emergence of the Department of Business Administration with the establishment of the College, the College has sought through this department to achieve its goals and objectives towards the Yemeni community through preparing and qualifying a successful generation of students with a prominent leadership role in the labor market. This is currently experiencing many challenges, the most important of which is competition severe and rapid changes in the surrounding environment, at the bachelor level.
      The Department of Business Administration, in the college, also launched distinguished programs in 2007/2008; Diploma and Master in business administration, and diploma and executive master’s programs, previously career, in the local development administration. Thus, the department set its sights on serving the Yemeni community and its private institutions in particular, and the people of the Arab world in general. This must have done through its endeavor to develop and improve the skills and capabilities of the creative employees, leaders and technicians.
      The notion of inaugurating new scientific programs such as the diploma and executive masters programs, previously career, the department of local development, is implemented by a group of qualified professors in the department. Hence, this is making the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Thamar University, the first college at the local level to adopt qualitative qualification programs that meet the needs of the labor market.
    In addition, the professors in Business Administration Department are constantly keen to work harder and improving the curricula of the programs to achieve the department goals derived from the goals of the college and university. In 2019, the department developed its plans at the level of the undergraduate program in terms of program description and courses. As for the level of graduate studies programs, the department is in the process of developing and updating of the master program. Decidedly, the department tends to open the executive doctoral program, in the future. The department of administration is keen to follow the style of participatory management with the axes of the educational process; they are members of the faculty and students in making decisions related to them and the department, It also created a spirit of cooperation and organizational citizenship, which contributed to the success of the educational process and its non-stop despite the difficult circumstances the country is going through.
     In conclusion, it can be said that the success achieved by the department in its scientific and research activities is the result of a supportive higher leadership at both the university and college levels, as well as the efforts of my fellow faculty members in the college and the department. They are all at the level of responsibility in the performance of tasks, business etc. They all work in the spirit of one team, and I should not forget to invite my students to take advantage of all the facilities and capabilities available to develop their academic level to carry out their message and achieve the vision of the department, college and university, and serve themselves and their country.
Dr. Tawfiq Musleh Al-Sanabani

